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Badge Application/Renewal

Please read this page carefully to ensure the correct steps are taken to apply for and receive your badge.

Applications for badges are only accepted for Aircraft Renters that hold at least a Private Pilot Certificate.  

1. Note: there are two separate applications for badges! One is for a renewal (you already hold a badge that is expiring), or a new badged application. Please make sure you complete the correct application
Access the website for badges on the Kalamazoo Airport page:

2. ALL NEW BADGE AND RENEWAL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE A NEW AIRCRAFT RENTAL AGREEMENT!  Even if the applicant has completed the agreement in the past, new badge applicants must print and turn in a new rental agreement signed and dated the same day that the badge application is dated!  The current version of of the agreement can be accessed here:

3. Return fully completed badge application with completed rental agreement to Zach.  After Zach has signed the application and returned it to you, you may contact the badging service as shown on the airport website. Do not schedule an appointment until your badge application is signed and returned to you.  

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